INSPIRE has been set up as a national network for specialist trainees in respiratory medicine to develop, set-up and support high quality, trainee led research projects.
Following the success of several local networks, and national groups in other specialties, INSPIRE aims to create a vibrant, dynamic and inclusive community leading to better research evidence for our patients and better research career opportunities for our healthcare professionals.
Our Committee
The INSPIRE committee aims to represent each area of the UK, and work together to fulfill the aims of INSPIRE. Meet the team below:

Aki is a Clinical Lecturer in Experimental Respiratory Medicine at the University of Cambridge. He graduated from UCL with early training in Northwest and Wessex deaneries, followed by work as a Medical Officer in rural South Africa. He completed his PhD at Imperial College London establishing human challenge models to investigate innate immunity and its dysregulation in airway disease. He is a member of the BTS Science and Research Committee and an Early Career Editorial Board Member for Immunotherapy Advances. He is passionate about INSPIRE as it will help early career respiratory professionals develop their clinical research skills and facilitate ambitious UK-wide collaborative research projects that benefit patients with respiratory disease

Vicki graduated from University of Liverpool in 2012 and completed foundation and core medical training in the Mersey deanery. She took time out of training after core medical training and completed a MD investigating the drivers of pneumococcal transmission and colonisation. She is currently a respiratory registrar (ST5) in the Mersey deanery. Her interests are in respiratory infections and lung cancer and she works as a trainee member of the NIHR respiratory national specialty group. In 2020 she co-founded the north west collaborative organisation for respiratory research (NWCORR) a regional respiratory registrar led research collaborative and has been working to develop INSPIRE since its inception.

Joe is a respiratory registrar in the North East taking time out of training to do research into the interrelationship of COPD and cardiac disease. He is also interested in assessment in medical education. Outside of work he enjoys running and playing the piano. He’s excited to help turn trainee-generated ideas into large-scale, practice-changing research so we can give better respiratory care to our patients.

Tom graduated the University of Cambridge in 2012 and completed foundation training in the midlands before moving to Wessex. He wrote his PhD on predictors of exacerbation in airway disease and has an interest in severe asthma. He is a respiratory consultant in Portsmouth. He coordinates the INSPIRE website.

I graduated from University of Manchester in 2016. I am currently working as a respiratory registrar (ST6) in the Mersey deanery and I am about to move to Bristol to start my PhD February next year. I developed my interest in research while working as a Vaccine Taskforce Clinical Fellow at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine after core medical training. My main interest is pleural disease and I am one of the members of the BTS pleural specialist advisor group. I am also passionate about medical education.

Alex graduated from Cardiff University in 2012, before completing early clinical training in South Thames and Severn deaneries. She is now ST5 in Respiratory Medicine in South East Scotland, with interests in lung cancer and pleural disease. She is currently undertaking a PhD at the University of Edinburgh investigating immune responses to solid tumours, in particular the role of the phosphatase PTPN22 in T cells. Outside of work she enjoys being in the mountains of the Scottish Highlands, ideally with a dog. She hopes that the INSPIRE network will build a UK-wide community of people enthusiastic about research in respiratory medicine, and open up clinical research opportunities to a wider group.

Delia graduated from Queen’s University, Belfast in 2012 and went on to complete foundation and core training in Northern Ireland. Currently she works as an ST5 registrar in Respiratory Medicine in Northern Ireland. She developed her interest in research by undertaking projects in sarcoidosis and medical education whilst taking time out post core training. Her area of interest is acute lung injury and ARDS. She is regularly involved in medical education, teaching both undergraduates and postgraduates.

Frances is a respiratory registrar and represents the Midlands on the INSPIRE committee

Lola is a respiratory registrar in London, is previous chair of the BTS Specialty Trainee Advisory Group (STAG) and is treasurer for INSPIRE.
Senior Counsel

Prof Rahman has guided INSPIRE from its inception. He has given expert review of our pleural projects, acted as senior reviewer in sandpit events and study selection and guided the group as it has developed. Prof Rahman leads Oxford Respiratory Trials Unit (ORTU). His research includes pleural infection, undiagnosed pleural effusion, malignant pleural effusion, mesothelioma, pneumothorax, imaging and intervention.

Prof De Soyza has provided frequent advice and support since INSPIRE was started. He helped steer the set-up of INSPIRE and continues to give advice, provided NIHR support from the CRN specialty group, aided with study review and sandpit events and gave one of our educational lectures.

All assisted INSPIRE with the Launch event at BTS winter 2021.

Dr Mishra has provided support in both 2022 and 2023 rounds of study selection and appeared at our sandpit events in both years.

Prof Chalmers has provided expert opinion for selection of our 2023 studies and our sandpit event.